Rod End Stress Analysis for Hydraulic Cylinder of Live Floor Conveying System

Evaldas Narvydas, Romualdas Dundulis, Nomeda Puodžiūnienė
2020 Mechanics  
Rod end failures are rare but still happening in the rod eyes of hydraulic cylinders. Stress analysis at the location of failure is very important for design improvement and identification the causes of failure. Performed finite element stress analysis shoved a preference of equivalent stress located at 1 mm distance from the weld toe comparing to the maximal stresses calculated at the root of 1 mm radius artificial fillet. Mounting of the hydraulic cylinder that creates a possible misalignment
more » ... between the resultant reaction force and the rod, will create a stress increase in the external ring of the rod eye at the location of the reported failure.
doi:10.5755/j01.mech.26.2.24675 fatcat:ndc3jrhiubgs5adjvq7ppfgxim