Critical analyses of church politics and crises within the indigenous Christianity in Nigeria

Alokan Olusegun, Ayodeji Peter
2011 American Journal of Social and Management Sciences  
Politics, disloyalty, oppression, tussle for leadership power and divisions seemed to have characterized the indigenous Pentecostal churches in Nigeria particularly in the last two decades of the twentieth century. Historically, the underlining factors for the occurrences in the Nigerian indigenous Christianity in recent times could be traced to doctrinal practices, leadership problems, different interpretations and manipulations of prophetic gifts and sundries. Today, some church pioneers have
more » ... been alleged of playing double standard through their actions in the running of church affairs. Some also have accused of false biblical teachings resulting at times to fake prophecies and revelations. These attitudes have negative implications on church growth and on church membership Website, J.V (1964) The African Church among the Yoruba; Oxford: Clarendon Press.
doi:10.5251/ajsms.2011.2.4.360.370 fatcat:mdokslhp7rfbdeg6xzz3mlhjgi