Colin Mackenzie
1916 The Lancet  
759 Construct tJ;'aps as follows: Take half a barrel (or box) and cut a hole five inches from the top and fit in jam tins as spout. Nail on a cover over one-third of the barrel covering the spout. Hammer out fiat a biscuit tin, and use it as a vertical partition, nailing it to the cover already in position and to the sides to within four inches of the bottom of the barrel.' Fix on the remaining two-thirds of the cover as a hinged lid. In'this lid fix an open biscuit tin with perforated bottom.
more » ... he tin should slope' from the cent~e as shown in the difLgram. This enables all debris to be emptied into a pail receptacle when the hinged lid is thrown open. Fill up the barrel and trap with water, and place hay or straw in the biscuit tin to arrest solid matter. The trap drains into a soak pit or open drain, if possible. The kitchen water,grease and debris from the cookhouse are emptied into the biscuit tin, solids are arrested, emptied as necessary and ,burnt; The grease accumulates on the surface water on the open side of the trap and is periodically skimmed off and burnt. The traIl attends to itself and requires only the supervision and cleaning inseparable from all improvised sanitary contrivances,
doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(00)53319-4 fatcat:olxowk3lgrarlck2do6k5so66y