Detection of LNAPL Plume by High Resolution Laboratory Electrical Resistivity Measurement

Nur Atikah, Mohd Ali, Umar Hamzah, Mohd Amir, Asyraf Sulaiman
Migration pattern of contaminants in soil such as by hydrocarbons and saltwater has long been studied. The contaminants might be originated from oil spills, leakage from underground storage tanks (UST) and saltwater intrusion. The electrical resistivity technique is oftenly been used to detect the contaminants' plume in the subsurface. To understand the nature of contaminants migration pattern, a small scale laboratory study was carried out by measuring LNAPL contaminants using mini electrodes
more » ... lectrical resistivity imaging. Semi-water saturated fine sand, coarse sand and clay were used as the medium in the study. Electrical resistivity imaging was performed in the third and seventh days after the release of LNAPL. Resistivity section shows clearly the positions of fresh water-saturated zones in the top and bottom layers with resistivity values of about 100-200Ωm. The semi-saturated zone occupied the middle part of the section with resistivity ranges from 500-1500Ωm. The shape and positions of contaminants in clay medium with 30% water content is much easily detected compared with its migration patterns in coarse sand.