Das Wechselspiel von Beobachtung, Fragestellung und Folgerung: Zur Didaktik und Methodik Botanischer Exkursionen [chapter]

Otti Wilmanns
1977 Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie, Göttingen 1976  
Today it is necessary to promote the basic knowledge of the ecological connections in the direct environment of the students and their ability to put it into practice. One way towards this aim is a more intensive training during botanical excursions in the following sense: 1. Activation of the students' capacity to observe, to combine and to draw conclusions from the observed facts and theoretical background information; 2. elucidation of ecological lind historical connections; 3. emphasis on
more » ... nnections with other disciplines. This is demonstrated by some situations during excursions and a list of concrete examples for general problems.
doi:10.1007/978-94-011-5957-9_59 fatcat:sdtgpxtv5nerdiurnx4i77gfzu