EEG Generator—A Model of Potentials in a Volume Conductor

Lilach Avitan, Mina Teicher, Moshe Abeles
2009 Journal of Neurophysiology  
Avitan L, Teicher M, Abeles M. EEG generator-a model of potentials in a volume conductor. EEG generator-a model of potentials in a volume conductor. The potential recorded over the cortex electro-corticogram (ECoG) or over the scalp [electroencephalograph (EEG)] derives from the activity of many sources known as "EEG generators." The recorded amplitude is basically a function of the unitary potential of a generator and the statistical relationship between different EEG generators in the
more » ... population. In this study, we first suggest a new definition of the EEG generator. We use the theory of potentials in a volume conductor and model the contribution of a single synapse activated to the surface potential. We then model the contribution of the generator to the surface potential. Once the generator and its contribution are well defined, we can quantitatively assess the degree of synchronization among generators. The measures obtained by the model for a real life scenario of a group of generators organized in a specific statistical way were consistent with the expected values that were reported experimentally. The study sheds new light on macroscopic modeling approaches which make use of mean soma membrane potential. We showed major contribution of activity of superficial apical synapses to the ECoG signal recorded relative to lower somatic or basal synapses activity.
doi:10.1152/jn.91143.2008 pmid:19710370 fatcat:mnlk6djlknhwbopsutugjrk7oq