Research on Consistency Test in Group Decision Making based on Different Preference Information

Yang Jing
2013 Research Journal of Applied Sciences Engineering and Technology  
The aim of study is to improve the consistency of fuzzy complementary judgment matrices. Group decision making problems with different forms of p reference information are discussed. Firstly, four forms of p reference information (i.e., preference ordering, utility value, AHP judgment matrix and fuzzy judgment matrix) are introduced and the computing formulas are given to uniform different forms of preference information into the form of fuzzy judgment matrix. Then, the paper discusses the
more » ... d of testing the complete consistency of the fuzzy complementary judgment matrices. On the basis of some theories, a new algorithm is proposed to improve the fuzzy complementary judgment matrices consistency. And then the paper analyzes the feasibility of the algorithm theoretically. The algorithm is not only simple and effective, but also can provides a new idea for the research on attributes sorting or some references for expert s to modify the original judgment matrix.
doi:10.19026/rjaset.6.3467 fatcat:4x4rl6nrbvfvzgkst3gg75kbb4