Mößbauer-Spektren von Eisencarbonylkomplexen mit carbenoiden Liganden / Mössbauer Spectra of Ironcarbonyl Complexes with Carbenoid Ligands

Jürgen Pebler, Wolfgang Petz
1974 Zeitschrift für Naturforschung. B, A journal of chemical sciences  
From Mössbauer spectra of the addition products of [Al(NMe2)3]2 and Ti(NMe2)4 to Fe(CO)5 it can be deduced, that the formal oxidation number of the central atom remains unchanged. The resulting carbenoid ligands occupy axial positions. Reaction of both products with LiOC2H5 yields (CO)4FeC(NMe2)OLi · 2 THF. In this product the basic structure of the starting materials is retained.
doi:10.1515/znb-1974-9-1018 fatcat:ihnn2j7oxffonfe4nssfzes5a4