Moving image and institution: Cinema and the museum in the 21st century, University of Cambridge (6-8 July 2011)

Beatriz Bartolomé Herrera, Mediarep.Org
2018 NECSUS : European journal of media studies  
Art institutions have shown a growing interest in the moving image throughout the last two decades. Both museums and institutional art spaces have witnessed an increase in the exhibition of film and other moving images. In these spaces we can see films displayed along with other art forms, such as painting and sculpture, or as part of screen art installations. The proliferation of projected moving images and screens re-configures common assumptions about what cinema is and opens up a new set of
more » ... questions concerning museum exhibition, film curating, and the cinematic experience. Does the gallery space change the way in which we think about and experience cinema? What are the boundaries between artist film and video and the traditional film institution? Which theoretical or conceptual links and historical connections can we establish between cinema as medium and museum as space? These are just some of the questions that arise from the fruitful encounter between museum and cinema. Thus, in this scenario, a conference such as Moving Image and Institution: Cinema and the Museum in the 21st Century was indeed necessary.
doi:10.25969/mediarep/15034 fatcat:c3xfjzjxwvgqzfjlfoe6cwiozy