Extremal Degree-Product Indices of Graphs with Fixed Number of Pendant Vertices and Cyclomatic Number

M.K. Jamil, Ioan Tomescu, Naveed Akhter, Muhammad Kamran Jamil
2015 International Letters of Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy  
The Narumi-Katayama index and first multiplicative Zagreb index of a graph are defined as the product of the degrees of the vertices of and the product of square of the degrees of the vertices of , respectively. The second multiplicative Zagreb index is defined as . In this paper, we compute the extremal , and for the graphs with given order, number of pendant vertices and cyclomatic number.
doi:10.18052/www.scipress.com/ilcpa.59.53 fatcat:gu4vmm47pndnrpwfckdjqqzh7u