Refined X-ray Structures of the Oxidized, at 1.3 Å, and Reduced, at 1.17 Å, [2Fe−2S] Ferredoxin from the CyanobacteriumAnabaenaPCC7119 Show Redox-Linked Conformational Changes†

Renaud Morales, Marie-Hélène Charon, Gilbert Hudry-Clergeon, Yves Pétillot, Sofie Norager, Milagros Medina, Michel Frey
1999 Biochemistry  
The chemical sequence of the [2Fe-2S] ferredoxin from the cyanobacterium Anabaena PCC7119 (Fd7119) and its high-resolution X-ray structures in the oxidized and reduced states have been determined. The Fd7119 sequence is identical to that of the ferredoxin from the PCC7120 strain (Fd7120). X-ray diffraction data were collected at 100 K with an oxidized trigonal Fd7119 crystal, at 1.3 Å resolution, and with an orthorhombic crystal, previously reduced with dithionite and flash frozen under
more » ... c conditions, at 1.17 Å resolution. The two molecular models were determined by molecular replacement with the [2Fe-2S] ferredoxin from the strain PCC7120 ( Rypniewski, W. R., Breiter, D. R., Benning, M. M., Wesenberg, G., Oh, B.-H., Markley, J. L., Rayment, I., and Holden, H. M. (1991) Biochemistry 30, 4126-4131.) The final R-factors are 0.140 (for the reduced crystal) and 0.138 (for the oxidized crystal). The [2Fe-2S] cluster appears as a significantly distorted lozenge in the reduced and oxidized redox states. The major conformational difference between the two redox forms concerns the peptide bond linking Cys46 and Ser47 which points its carbonyl oxygen away from the [2Fe-2S] cluster ("CO out") in the reduced molecule and toward it ("CO in") in the oxidized one. The "CO out" conformation could be the signature of the reduction of the iron atom Fe1, which is close to the molecular surface. Superposition of the three crystallographically independent molecules shows that the putative recognition site with the physiological partner (FNR) involves charged, hydrophobic residues and invariant water molecules. FIGURE 4: Stereoview of the hydrogen bond (NH"'S) network involving cluster and cysteine ligands sulfur atoms in the reduced crystal ("CO out" conformation). The additional Ser47NH"'S2 bond is represented by red dashed line and the other ones by black dashed lines. Carbon atoms are colored in gray. The figure was drawn with MolScript (52). Structure of Anabaena PCC7119 [2Fe-2S] Ferredoxin
doi:10.1021/bi991578s pmid:10625442 fatcat:oyn5nquzl5d2jjlsz2ekniymeu