The Clock Makers

1848 Scientific American  
9citlttific �mtd(tln. 19 ,Incrustations on Steam BoUers. American ScientUic Association. being twelv e t . imes the quantity of that wh ich \ ers . . are m uc h � he .m ost to. be Piti�. d, not . f�r . Mr. EDlTOR.-I perceive by las. t number of No. 2. is discharg�d by the River. the loss ot their fn ends, but for their sytnpathlthe Scie nti fic American that I have been per-This respectable As sociation ad journed on The r e ar � b ut tw o ways by which all this sing anguish . Those diseases
more » ... ch destroy sonally attacked t or an article which appear-the 25 th, and in conne x ion w i th the e x tra c t illl men se quantity of water can make its life without immediately affecting the ner ed in No. 50 of yo ur last volume, endorsed in our l ast num b er we p res e nt the fo llowin g , e scape fro m the val ley ; one of whic h is by the vous system, give rise to more pain than with my signature. I h ave made it a rule of which will be fo und Qf equal, if not mor e c ourse of the river into the Gulf of Mexico, a nd those that do a!fect the system so as to impair my lile to bear with silent indifference any interest. the other by evaporation. Hence, we perceive its sensibility. The mast painful dea�hs unjust act done .to me ifit does not appear pub-THE. MISSISSIPpI RIVER. that there is but one relative part ofthis quan-which human beings inflict u pon each other lic , but this is a di fferent case ana I shall t r eat P ro f essor M. E . D ickeson pr esent ed t h e tity passing 011 by th e River, for every eleven are those produced by the rac k and the faggot. it according to its deserts. Mr. Barnum says following report p repared by himsel f a nd A. parts which are exhaled by the atmosphere-Th e halteriis not so:cruel as ei ther of those, thllt" the labor of my fo rmer artide seems Brow ne, A. M . on the S ediment o f the M is · or in other words, 1.12 by th e ri ver and 11-12 1 but more savage t han the axe . Horror aQd pain to be directed. against mahogony saw ' du!t sissippi River. These two gentlemen were by evap oration. . \ . considered , it seems to Us that we should which was p atented sometime since to pre-app ointed a C o m mittee , a t the l ast meet i ng Th us we arrive at the de velopeme nt ot a choose a narcotic' to either. vent deposits and I ncrustations on steam boi-of t he A ssociati o n, to exam irl e and r eport u pfact of the most m omentous impor tance to I lers by Samu el D . Anthony and Daniel B ar-o n the a p pp arances and c h aracter of t h e MIS' the P lanti ng Interests of Lo u is1a ua and M is-· Poet o f" the ClUneseWomen. num." This is not tru e, m ah ogany saw dust sissip pi deposit. T he y n ow rep orted the re-sisslp pj, for it will be readily perceived that I From whatever tradition, or vile ac t, was only lll entioned once in the article re-I sult of their investigations in detaIl . The fa cts the more exhalations are promoted the less the Chinese adopted the custom of choking
doi:10.1038/scientificamerican10071848-19d fatcat:epezwcmgwbbz5k2mgqo5qd4c2m