Seelsorge mit dementen Menschen

Daniela Woditschka
2009 unpublished
In this thesis, dementia is examined from a medical and social psychological point of view. Furthermore, it is also depicted as 'sign of our time' and, thus, identified as subject of Pastoral Theology. Based on that Pastoral Theological approach, two essential issues with regard to dementia are elaborated on: First, the focus on commemoration which is shown to be a crucial feature of Christianity. Second, the theological challenge associated with dementia patients due to the traditional
more » ... tion-based understanding of Pastoral Care. Different approaches and key aspects of Pastoral Care with dementia patients as described in current literature are introduced and linked to the concept of Validation according to Naomi Feil. In addition to structural similarities between Pastoral Care and Validation, three features of Validation are emphasized which could be incorporated into the practice of Pastoral Care. Arguably, the Pastoral Caregiver might benefit from better understanding of disease mechanisms in dementia as well as from specific principles and techniques used in Validation, both of which could result in greater mutual understanding with the patient. As shown in this thesis, Validation might actually improve the quality of Pastoral Care with dementia patients. It can thus be concluded that the incorporation of Validation into Pastoral Care Studies and the participation in Validation programs, respectively, might prove to be a useful and valuable tool for Pastoral Caregivers, who deal with dementia patients on a regular basis.
doi:10.25365/thesis.7984 fatcat:wr2lwyyxjzb4zgvgls4xvmh7hq