Thymidylate Synthase in Advanced Gastrointestinal and Breast Cancers

Per-Anders Larsson, Göran Carlsson, Bengt Gustavsson, C. Paul Spears
1996 Acta Oncologica  
Knowledge of population thymidylate synthase (TS) levels in malignant tumors and normal tissues is essential for the use of TS as a predictor for 5-fluorouracil treatment. Tumor tissue TS levels in fresh frozen surgical biopsies from 136 patients with gastrointestinal or breast cancer, not previously subjected to chemotherapy, were analysed by [ ' I 4 FdUMP radioligand binding assay. TS levels were 2.4 f 0.31 pmol/g in liver metastases of colorectal cancer (n= 87), 4.2 f 1.0 pmol/g in primary
more » ... lorectal cancer (n = 13), 2.7 0.93 pmollg in gastric cancer (n = 13), 3.1 f 1.7 pmol/g in pancreatic cancer (n = lo), 3.4 f 1.4 pmol/g in breast cancer (n = 13) and 0.58 0.075 pmol/g in normal liver parenchyma (n = 24). TS levels were significantly higher in malignant tumor tissues compared to normal liver parenchyma.
doi:10.3109/02841869609109924 pmid:8695163 fatcat:3tjvdxne75gpnlrodxgjczsppu