Multi-fidelity wake modelling based on Co-Kriging method

Y M Wang, P-E Réthoré, M P van der Laan, J P Murcia Leon, Y Q Liu, L Li
2016 Journal of Physics, Conference Series  
The article presents an approach to combine wake models of multiple levels of fidelity, which is capable of giving accurate predictions with only a small number of high fidelity samples. The G. C. Larsen and k-ε-f P based RANS models are adopted as ensemble members of low fidelity and high fidelity models, respectively. Both the univariate and multivariate based surrogate models are established by taking the local wind speed and wind direction as variables of the wind farm power efficiency
more » ... ion. Various multi-fidelity surrogate models are compared and different sampling schemes are discussed. The analysis shows that the multi-fidelity wake models could tremendously reduce the high fidelity model evaluations needed in building an accurate surrogate.
doi:10.1088/1742-6596/753/3/032065 fatcat:zm57xbzjqrgqbimvrb44ztqewy