Model experiment for verification of thermal environment prediction in tunnel

Hiroyuki SAITO, Hiroshi KAJIYAMA, Sanetoshi SAITO
2016 The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress Japan  
The purpose of this paper is to verify a current prediction method of thermal environment in tunnel by model experiments and improve the prediction accuracy of the method. This experiment system was so designed as to investigate heat transfer in a tunnel and heat conduction in the rock surrounding the tunnel by blowing hot air into a thick pipe made of acrylic plastic. Temperature detectors with high accuracy were put at various position of the experiment system to measure the temperature
more » ... bution. The differences between the temperatures by the model experiment and those by the calculation were about 1°C. By modifying the thermal diffusivity of acrylic plastic, the differences became smaller than 1°C.
doi:10.1299/jsmemecj.2016.s0540205 fatcat:lguffdrtobfpxd6wvwxvovq2k4