MPPT for a PV Grid-Connected System to Improve Efficiency under Partial Shading Conditions

Abdulaziz Almutairi, Ahmed G. Abo-Khalil, Khairy Sayed, Naif Albagami
2020 Sustainability  
The disadvantage of photovoltaic (PV) power generation is that output power decreases due to the presence of clouds or shade. Moreover, it can only be used when the sun is shining. Consequently, there is a need for further active research into the maximum power point tracking (MPPT) technique, which can maximize the power of solar cells. When the solar cell array is partially shaded due to the influence of clouds or buildings, the solar cell characteristic has a number of local maximum power
more » ... nts (LMPPs). Conventional MPPT techniques do not follow the actual maximum power point, namely, the global maximum power point (GMPP), but stay in the LMPP. Therefore, an analysis of the occurrence of multiple LMPPs due to partial shading, as well as a study on the MPPT technique that can trace GMPP, is needed. In order to overcome this obstacle, the grey wolf optimization (GWO) method is proposed in order to track the global maximum power point and to maximize the energy extraction of the PV system. In addition, opposition-based learning is integrated with the GWO to accelerate the MPPT search process and to reduce convergence time. Simultaneously, the DC link voltage is controlled to reduce sudden variations in voltage in the event of transients of solar radiation and/or temperature. Experimental tests are presented to validate the effectiveness of the proposed MPPT method during uniform irradiance and partial shading conditions. The proposed method is compared with the perturbation and observation method.
doi:10.3390/su122410310 fatcat:fqej3h33u5f7xhnytyys5sehuy