288 Circulating prolactin level in systemic lupus erythematosus and its correlation with disease activity: a meta-analysis

YH Lee, GG Song
2017 Poster Session   unpublished
model showed a direct negative effect of higher socioeconomic status and a positive indirect effect of higher disease activity on MetS, the latter through corticosteroid dose. MetS did not directly impact HRQOL but had an indirect negative impact on it, through depression. Conclusions In our causal model, MetS risk factors were related to MetS components. The latter had a negative indirect impact on HRQOL, through depression. Clinicians should consider socioeconomic status and medication and
more » ... k to modify disease activity, MetS, and depression to improve the HRQOL of SLE patients.
doi:10.1136/lupus-2017-000215.288 fatcat:cmjdggmc6bdbjfkc5jxdiygnp4