Answer for referee1 [post]

Hiroo Hata
2020 unpublished
The authors have tested a heavy-duty vehicle in Japan on a dynamometer and using a PEMS to evaluate how driving force and season influences emissions of CO2 and NOx. The literature review is not sufficient to show why this work is novel, especially as the authors measure one vehicle only. The methodology is not transparent sufficiently to allow key outputs to be replicated, namely the transient emissions maps. There are issues with the figures in the SI which need to be addressed, including the
more » ... transient emissions maps and the correlation analysis. The authors are grateful to the reviewer, Dr. Bishop, to taking a time and giving us C1 AMTD Interactive comment Printer-friendly version Discussion paper the important insights, suggestions and clarifications. We modified the manuscript carefully based on the opinions. The added and modified sentences were highlighted in yellow. To address the novelty and validity of the experiments and analysis (using only one heavy-duty vehicle), following sentences were added in the article. Lines 68-69: "To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study in which PEMS measurement results are applied in the development of an estimation model for vehicular exhaust." Lines 304-306: "The experiment as well as the detailed analysis were conducted only for one heavy-duty vehicle in the Japanese market. In future, it is expected that further studies would be conducted to obtain the variability of real-world vehicular exhaust emissions." Line 20: Define long-term and short-term
doi:10.5194/amt-2020-286-ac1 fatcat:7q3xmbsrf5hhxdxsdntywysehq