Wireless Micro-payment System in Networks [chapter]

Jari Karvonen, Petri Pulli
Emerging Personal Wireless Communications  
e-cash, mobile payments, ticket Wireless Strategic Initiative (WSI) has recognised the need to develop a Pan-European wireless micro-payment system framework. 4 To support this initiative, in this paper the core requirements and desirable characteristics of a simple wireless micro-payment scheme are analysed. The positioning the micro-payment system among the existing monetary vehicles has been considered. The analysis outcome and cornerstone of the proposed approach is to identify the service
more » ... nd let the money be anonymous. Modelling of the micro-payment system has been started using object oriented UML specification language. In this paper partial early models are presented on charging objects (tickets) and associated processing steps (methods). An example service of on-demand MP3 audio stream payment transaction has been elaborated.
doi:10.1007/0-306-47001-2_20 dblp:conf/ifip6-8/KarvonenP01 fatcat:f7b2zptt3jaqxfluicvp6oubt4