Proximity Analysis of Web-Based Auditory Training Programs: Toward Listening and Customized Learning Exercises for Aural Rehabilitation

Chanbeom Kwak, Saea A Kim, Woojae Han
2018 Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery  
Aural rehabilitation is defined as a comprehensive service which includes hearing aid fitting, hearing aid orientation, auditory training, and informational/educational counseling for people with hearing loss in order to reduce deficits of auditory function, difficulty in communication, and limited social activity, and ultimately to enhance their quality of life. Although it is well known that auditory training among a large scope of the aural rehabilitation is critical to improve residual
more » ... ng of hearing-impaired adults and/or older adults, there are some limitations to conduct it in the clinic in terms of time consuming and individual difference. In this review paper, we introduce two of the most popular web-based auditory training programs, namely Listening and Communication Enhancement And customized learning: Exercises for Aural Rehabilitation. The paper analyzes their purpose, contents, effect (or benefit) of auditory training, and clinical application, while arguing their pros and cons. In conclusion, we discuss a necessary of developing auditory training platforms for the hearing-impaired adults and older adults, and then of forging systematic web-based auditory training tools with a low-cost and high efficiency because aging population is rapidly increasing in Korea.
doi:10.3342/kjorl-hns.2018.00094 fatcat:3pjtva4lazhxtmucthnvx6ddmq