Modelling Microstructure and Its Effects during Multipass Hot Rolling

John H. Beynon, C. Michael Sellars
1992 ISIJ International  
By collaborative work the Sheffield Leicester Integrated Model for Microstructural Evolution in Rolling (SLIMMER)has been developed for hot rolling of flat products, The background physical metallurgy is presented together with the expressions used to describe microstructure evolution for a range of ferrous and non-ferrous metals. The finite difference thermal model at the heart of SLIMMER computes heat loss to air, descalers, rolls and water cooling while allowing for oxidation and deformation
more » ... heating. The use of temperature compensatedtime enables isothermally determined equations for microstructure evolution to be applied to practical non-isothermal conditions, Rolling loads and torques aTe calculated using Sims theory with an accurate prediction of mean flow stress. Examplesof rolling niobium microalloyed steel piate and the effect of initial grain size illustrate the capabilities of SLIMMER and show some of the validation of the predictions.
doi:10.2355/isijinternational.32.359 fatcat:y2gxfhl4drhhpb6jo7ryjpqkv4