Significance of Du'a in Facilitating Healing Process: An Overview from Islamic Thought

Vaffi Foday Sheriff
2019 South Asian Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences  
Prayer is considered as an act of ibadah (worship) in Islam. It is required to be observed constantly under all circumstances whether good or bad. In fact, Allah loves that a servant always supplicates to him. It is a belief among Muslim scholars that prayer (Du'a ) has positive effects on patient"s or inmates psychological and physical conditions. The prayer (Du'a) serves as a relief from pain since earlier time of Islam and continues to be a common practice and belief in the Muslim world.
more » ... paper therefore attempts to explain the impact of Du'a in healing process. Du'a has conditions that make it accepted or rejected by Allah. The paper explains the concept of Du'a, its objectives as well as requirements for its validation of Du'a . The paper also examines the concept of Du'a in the Qur"an and hadith. Furthermore, some Muslims Theologians who contributed towards the subject of discussion were highlighted. The paper similarly analysed the significance of the Du'a in Islamic thought and its relation with Qadr (Destiny). The paper shows the importance of having trust and taking actions towards the Du'a. Moreso, the paper discusses the relevance of traditional medical therapy in healing process. Finally, the researcher uses critical analytical method in writing the paper.
doi:10.36346/sarjhss.2019.v01i02.004 fatcat:hqvhngsugbewncboagckrj3ynm