Joint Attention in Preschoolers with Different Forms of Atypical Development

Ya Smirnova
2020 Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference on Education, Health and Human Wellbeing (ICEDER 2019)   unpublished
The article analyzes the relationship between the skills of joint attention and social and cognitive development of the child. It is devoted to the problem of identifying markers of oculomotor activity, which allows us to identify patterns that can reliably predict the development of joint attention deficit in various forms of atypical development. By tracking eye movements in a sample of 90 preschoolers with typical development, mental retardation, delayed speech development, visual
more » ... hearing impairment, the following potential mechanisms underlying the atypical joint attention were found: atypical gaze following, impaired integration of joint attention, decreased recognition of the orienting value. More than that, the author states that the conducted analysis of contrasting clinical groups made it possible to identify the primary psychological causes of joint attention deficit, as well as universal and specific symptoms of joint attention disorders for different clinical groups.
doi:10.2991/iceder-19.2020.43 fatcat:zj6eg7i7jjg3rfqd5jhmlccpce