From magnetoelectronic to biomedical applications based on the nanoscale properties of advanced magnetic materials

J.M. De Teresa, C. Marquina, D. Serrate, R. Fernandez Pacheco, L. Morellon, P.A. Algarabel, M.R. Ibarra
2005 International Journal of Nanotechnology  
In this paper, we review some results obtained in our group in the framework of research projects concerning magnetoelectronic and biomedical applications with advanced magnetic materials. First, we focus on the type of materials used, and then we describe specific magnetoelectronic devices based on spin-dependent tunnelling and magnetic nanoparticles for biomedical applications. Special attention is drawn to the phenomena occurring at the nanometric scale, which in most cases completely
more » ... ne the observed macroscopic properties. J. M. De Teresa et al. . (2005) 'From magnetoelectronic to biomedical applications based on the nanoscale properties of advanced', Int.
doi:10.1504/ijnt.2005.006971 fatcat:gylluyi6u5ffzfy26lt2om7v4a