Denoising of a Speech Signal using Wiener Filter

Sanjana C. Shekar, D. J. Ravi
2017 Third International Conference on Current Trends in Engineering Science and Technology ICCTEST-2017   unpublished
Noise reduction is one of the major problems faced over the past several decades. Among the various techniques that were developed, the optimal Wiener filter can be considered to be one of the important noise reduction approaches, which has been used in different forms and developed in various applications. Although the Wiener filter may cause some detrimental effects to the speech signal , few efforts have been reported to show the inherent relationship between noise reduction and speech
more » ... tion. This project tells the quantitative performance behavior of the Wiener filter in the context of noise reduction. Index Terms-Minimum mean square error (MMSE), denoising, Automatic speech recognition, deconvolution, noise reduction, stationary noise.
doi:10.21647/icctest/2017/48935 fatcat:k2yqsuznuzauvcrbnrahp7zxoy