Penta-Prism Long Trace Profiler (PPLTP) for measurement of grazing incidence space optics

Shinan Qian, Haizhang Li, Peter Z. Takacs, Richard B. Hoover, Arthur B. C. Walker II
1996 Multilayer and Grazing Incidence X-Ray/EUV Optics III  
The Long Trace Profrler (LTP) is in use at a number of locations throughout the world for the measurement of the figure and mid-frequency roughness of x-ray mirrors. The standard configuration requires that the surface tested lie in a horizontal plane as the optical head is scanned along a horizontal line. For applications where gravity-induced sag of the surface cannot be tolerated, such as in x-ray telescope mirror metrology, it is desirable to measure the mirror as it is mounted in a
more » ... configuration. By making simple modifications to the standard LTP system, we have demonstrated that it is possible to use the LTP principle to measure the surface of x-ray mirrors and mandrels I -2, pp. 11-
doi:10.1117/12.245083 fatcat:nwqw35233ff4thkajwjndvjcoi