A graph-based representation of relations in network security alert sharing platforms

Martin Husak, Milan Cermak
2017 2017 IFIP/IEEE Symposium on Integrated Network and Service Management (IM)  
In this paper, we present a framework for graphbased representation of relation between sensors and alert types in a security alert sharing platform. Nodes in a graph represent either sensors or alert types, while edges represent various relations between them, such as common type of reported alerts or duplicated alerts. The graph is automatically updated, stored in a graph database, and visualized. The resulting graph will be used by network administrators and security analysts as a visual
more » ... e and situational awareness tool in a complex environment of security alert sharing.
doi:10.23919/inm.2017.7987399 dblp:conf/im/HusakC17 fatcat:5ko7cxmuibfo5agccbpci24hpa