IN PURSUIT OF COMPATIBILITY IN URBAN CONTEXT An Analytical Study with Special References to Contemporary Local Contexts in Cairo

Yasmeen El Semary, Basil Ahmed Kamel, Ahmed Mohamed Amin
2016 International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications  
In the past decades, an increased dissatisfaction with the built environment had been grown, despite the fact that several countries have developed legislative requirements to control the aesthetics of the urban environment, yet there is a growing difference between the view of the public and the professionals. One can also argue that the lack of empirical visual urban studies contributes to this gap. This paper investigates the validity of the previous hypothesis. The aim is to verify local
more » ... an spaces and their compatibility levels to local cultural language. A survey is conducted in several districts exploring the architectural features from the perspective of the professionals on one hand and the laymen on the other. The compatibility ratings were analysed by factor analysis. The results outline factors affecting the contextual compatibility in Cairo, highlighting non-homogeneous urban fabrics, evaluating the different architectural features which replicate or contrast with the context. These outcomes may help overcome the problems we are facing nowadays where architects and urban designers dismiss public taste in the design of local urban environments.
doi:10.7753/ijsea0510.1005 fatcat:nadir46t4zabvewadxmxt5t4fi