Microscopic calculations of medium effects for 200-MeV(p→,p′)reactions

F. Sammarruca, E. J. Stephenson, K. Jiang
1999 Physical Review C  
We examine the quality of a G-matrix calculation of the effective nucleon-nucleon (NN) interaction for the prediction of the cross section and analyzing power for 200-MeV (p,p') reactions that populate natural parity states in ^16O, ^28Si, and ^40Ca. This calculation is based on a one-boson-exchange model of the free NN force that reproduces NN observables well. The G-matrix includes the effects of Pauli blocking, nuclear binding, and strong relativistic mean-field potentials. The implications
more » ... f adjustments to the effective mass ansatz to improve the quality of the approximation at momenta above the Fermi level will be discussed, along with the general quality of agreement to a variety of (p,p') transitions.
doi:10.1103/physrevc.60.064610 fatcat:7gpka4l2izd5hbqivqt7oekkwy