Coloration and Bleaching Phenomena of Amorphous WO3 Films Due to the Electrochemical Insertion of Divalent Cations [chapter]

Y. Domori, T. Nanba, Y. Miura, S. Sakida
2011 Ceramic Transactions Series  
It was confirmed that the divalent cations, Zn 2+ and Cu 2+ were electrochemically inserted into amorphous WO 3 films prepared by r.f.-magnetron sputtering method. Coloration of the films was also observed, and the films were, however, bleached gradually. The bleaching mechanism was discussed based on the ab-initio molecular orbital calculations, in which Li + or Zn 2+ ions were introduced into the WO 3 frameworks. In the case of Zn insertion, electrons were trapped in a non-bonding Zn 4s
more » ... l just below the conduction band. It was finally concluded that in the films with distorted WO 3 frameworks, Zn 4s orbital was mingled in the conduction band and electrons were free to be transferred between W 6+ and W 5+ . As the structural relaxation progressed, electrons were gradually trapped in Zn 4s orbital, and the films were finally bleached.
doi:10.1002/9781118144121.ch48 fatcat:lwkkqoqrvreetdeymzww7ipruq