Analysis of Text Books PPKn Class VII SMP Based on 2013 Curriculum in Character Education Perspective

2021 Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Character Education (ICCE 2020)   unpublished
This study aims to describe the PPKn SMP textbook analysis based on the 2013 curriculum from the perspective of character education. This type of research is library research. The data collection method uses documentation in the form of Class VII PPKn Textbooks, the publisher of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia 2017, the revised 2017 edition of the 2013 curriculum for PPKn SMP subjects, guidelines for textbook preparation, good textbook indicators, governance of textbook
more » ... g, interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique uses qualitative analysis techniques consisting of: data reduction, data display and data verification. The results of the study: based on the analysis of the Class VII PPKn textbooks based on the 2013 curriculum, the PPKn subjects in the perspective of character education are studied in 4 components, namely: the suitability of the material with KI and KD, the accuracy of the material, the learning support material, and the synchronization of the material with character education. Based on these 4 components, the following can be found: Extent, depth and theme selection are not in accordance with KI and KD, the accuracy of the concept is not sharp, the authenticity of the material is found that there are still many materials that copy and paste the thoughts of others, suitability with the development of science is felt to be sufficient lacking, the material does not encourage students' curiosity in depth, the material does not reflect diversity, the material does not show explicitly the existence of environmental readiness, in textbooks it is not supported by pictures with character, each theme does not describe the target character values, examples in each material lack of actuality and character, the language used is quite difficult to understand, the description of the material is less actual, the practice questions measure more aspects of knowledge, the cover design is less attractive, the book size is good, the book content design is good, the book size use is good , good font and font size, Accuracy the material is lacking, does not provide a clear picture of the integration or relationship with other disciplines. Based on the analysis data above, it can be concluded that the PPKn textbook for grade VII students based on the 2013 curriculum in the perspective of character education needs to be updated.
doi:10.2991/assehr.k.210204.011 fatcat:by7zalc64neulcexkxesk7jdni