VRML virtual reality technology applied in the mechanical design

Youbing Zhu
2017 Proceedings of the 2016 2nd International Conference on Materials Engineering and Information Technology Applications (MEITA 2016)   unpublished
In this paper, VRML2.0 as the development tool to mechanical design of the main parts as the object. First select the typical components of the sliding bearing as the entrance to various forms of three-dimensional model of the structure to user. So that the user has a comprehensive grasp of the structure sliding bearings for the sliding bearing oil pressure distribution, axial movement trajectory. It has a certain analysis. The goal of this paper is to implement a virtual laboratory scenario in
more » ... which the relevant components of the sliding bearing can be viewed. Secondly, the static pressured distribution characteristics of the simulation. It can be parameterized input the simulate axis of the dynamic load bearing trajectory, in this part only made a qualitative demonstration.
doi:10.2991/meita-16.2017.13 fatcat:pbjxceh5lrgbznldho5hm6wxre