A piezo-electric method for the instantaneous measurement of high pressures

J. C. Karcher
1922 Scientific Papers of the Bureau of Standards  
The Pressure Gage. -A number of quartz plates suitably cut are arranged condenser fashion in a stack and introduced in an electric circuit. The quartz plates are subjected to the gas pressure to be measured by means of a piston. The combina tion of these constitutes a gage which is screwed into the wall of the gas chamber and the leads are brought out through holes drilled through the wall. The Recording Galvanometer. -A ballistic galvanometer whose period is long compared to the duration of
more » ... pressure phenomenon is connected to the electrodes of the quartz plates. The galvanometer deflections are photographically recorded on a rapidly moving film. The pressure-time curve is the differential of the recorded deflection-time curve.
doi:10.6028/nbsscipaper.124 fatcat:j6lv3i4qqvgu5juzd7qmwwb54e