Aligning Open Badges and Open Credentialing with Open Pedagogical Frameworks to Address the Growing Skills Gap

Leslie B. Eldridge
2017 International Journal of Information and Education Technology  
This paper describes how new open pedagogical frameworks can be utilized as powerful strategic tools in addressing the skills gap by aligning industry proficient requirements with educational programs via open badging and open credentialing. Using this strategy and open framework empowers learners to pursue their educational and career development in a highly personalized manner dictated by their interests and the modularity to collect and receive credentials. This forward progress in an
more » ... onary open approach creates multiple channels toward employment and educational goals from a broad variety of content providers including traditional educational institutions and industry. Aligning open pedagogical frameworks to educational institutions and industry via open credentials solves several challenges: 1) Timely delivery of content and curriculum malleable to the ever-changing requirements of job sectors such as technology. 2) Accessibility and enablement for the learner to pursue on-demand education and training. 3) Promotion of life-long learning Index Terms-Open badges, open credentialing, open pedagogical frameworks, life-long learning, open standards, skills gap, university-industry co-operation, workforce readiness.
doi:10.18178/ijiet.2017.7.4.887 fatcat:455zdxrenbcszaotiqda4fwr4q