Paragonimiasis Miyazakii Associated with Bilateral Pseudochylothorax

Yoshikazu INDUE, Tomoya KAWAGUCHI, Akira YOSHIDA, Hisato HARADA, Hideki HARA, Satoru YAMAMOTO, Mitsunori SAKATANI
2000 Internal medicine (Tokyo. 1992)  
A 37-year-old man who suffered from bilateral pleural effusions, subcutaneous abdominal induration and blood eosinophilia, was admitted to our hospital. He had ingested raw crabs at a pub-restaurant before the onset of his symptoms. His pleural effusions were chyliform containing cholesterol crystals, and a high level of immunoglobulin £ (36,580 IU/ml) and anti-Paragonimus miyazakii antibody were detected. He was effectively treated with praziquantel. This case suggests that paragonimiasis
more » ... d be strongly suspected if blood eosinophilia, pseudochylothorax, and a high level of immunoglobulin E in pleural effusion are detected. (Internal Medicine 39: 579-582, 2000)
doi:10.2169/internalmedicine.39.579 fatcat:fvlo37fpenevjismyqd2a2mdzi