Evolution Process of Recycling Chain of Takeout Packages Based on Behavioural Science

Huiyan Wang, Jia Li, Yong Li, Guoqing Chen
2018 NeuroQuantology  
With the rapid development of the takeout food industry in recent years, the amount of non-degradable wastes such as packing boxes and plastic bags are increasing day by day, which leads to severe waste of resources and pollution of environment. How to deal with the takeout packaging wastes have become a new problem of online ordering and also an important subject of social sustainable development. The construction of a recycling industry chain is an important measure to achieve the recycling
more » ... takeout packaging wastes. But this process involves many stakeholders, such as the government, takeout enterprises, package manufacturers and consumers. The cognition and decision of these stakeholders play a decisive role in the construction of the recycling industry chain. An evolutionary game model was established to analyze the effects of different decision behaviours of stakeholders on the construction of the recycling industry chain. And then the MATLAB software was used to dynamically simulate the game system. The results show that in the absence of government intervention, the proportion of the initial decision of consumers and enterprises determines whether the evolutionary game system can converge to the ideal state or not, meanwhile the consumers and enterprises have benign interaction effect in the process of constructing the recycling industry chain; in the case of government intervention, the evolution results of the game system will always reach to the ideal state, and the evolution speed is greatly increased. In the end, the countermeasures and suggestions to optimize the decision behaviours of various stakeholders were provided from the perspective of the government behaviour.
doi:10.14704/nq.2018.16.5.1393 fatcat:3b5j3x3tsrftpoduk2lzpx33ny