Fracking and Ostwald ripening position the lumen of the mouse blastocyst [article]

Julien Dumortier, Mathieu Le Verge-Serandour, Anna-Francesca Tortorelli, Annette Mielke, Ludmilla de Plater, Herve Turlier, Jean-Leon Maitre
2019 bioRxiv   pre-print
During mouse preimplantation development, the formation of the blastocoel, a fluid-filled lumen, breaks the radial symmetry of the blastocyst. What controls the formation and positioning of this basolateral lumen remains obscure. We find that accumulation of pressurized fluid fractures cell-cell contacts into hundreds of micron-size lumens. Microlumens eventually discharge their volumes into a single dominant lumen, which we model as a process akin to Ostwald ripening, underlying the coarsening
more » ... of foams. Using chimeric mutant embryos, we tune the fracking of cell-cell contacts and steer the coarsening of microlumens, allowing us to successfully manipulate the final position of the lumen. We conclude that hydraulic fracture of cell-cell contacts followed by directed coarsening of microlumens sets the first axis of symmetry of the mouse embryo.
doi:10.1101/537985 fatcat:mn6cfivawncipk742jkt4f5fc4