Automatic Generation Control of Interconnected Reheat Power System with Generation Rate Constraint using Fuzzy Logic Controller

Pooja Devi, Ram Jaswal
2014 Advanced Research in Electrical and Electronic Engineering Print   unpublished
In the present work two control areas are analyzed, with reheat thermal power system in each area. For a system Automatic Generation Control (AGC) with the considerations of Generation rate constraints (GRCs) is studied. When Generation Rate Constraint (GRC) is considered, the system dynamic model becomes non-linear and frequency deviation is less when GRC is not considered. The dynamic response with 1% perturbation in system is studied. A control strategy using Fuzzy controller is proposed to
more » ... ctive control of system frequency. The advantage of proposed controller is that it can handle the system non-linear ties and proposed scheme is faster than conventional controllers. The response of Fuzzy Controller both in the presence and absence of Generation Rate Constraints (GRCs) is compared. Various results are shown on MATLAB/SIMULNK.