Hα spectropolarimetry of GG Car

Antonio Pereyra, Francisco X. de Araújo, Antonio M. Magalhães, Marcelo Borges Fernandes, Armando Domiciano de Souza
2010 Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union  
AbstractWe present spectropolarimetric observations of the B[e] supergiant star GG Car at two epochs. Polarization line effects along Hα are analysed using the Q–U diagram. In particular, the polarization position angle (PA) obtained using the line effect allows to constrain the symmetry axis of the disk/envelope. The depolarization line effect around Hα is evident in the Q–U diagram for both epochs, confirming that light from the system is intrinsically polarized. A rotation of the PA along Hα
more » ... is also observed, indicating a counter-clockwise rotating disk. The intrinsic PA calculated using the line effect (~85°) is consistent between our two epochs, suggesting a clearly defined symmetry axis of the disk.
doi:10.1017/s174392131101101x fatcat:nto4c73rorfxpervdwflb6f2au