Spin-Orbit Coupling Controlled J=3/2 Electronic Ground State in 5d3 Oxides

A. E. Taylor, S. Calder, R. Morrow, H. L. Feng, M. H. Upton, M. D. Lumsden, K. Yamaura, P. M. Woodward, A. D. Christianson
2017 Physical Review Letters  
Entanglement of spin and orbital degrees of freedom drives the formation of novel quantum and topological physical states. Discovering new spin-orbit entangled ground states and emergent phases of matter requires both experimentally probing the relevant energy scales and applying suitable theoretical models. Here we report resonant inelastic x-ray scattering measurements of the transition metal oxides Ca_3LiOsO_6 and Ba_2YOsO_6. We invoke an intermediate coupling approach that incorporates both
more » ... spin-orbit coupling and electron-electron interactions on an even footing and reveal the ground state of 5d^3 based compounds, which has remained elusive in previously applied models, is a novel spin-orbit entangled J=3/2 electronic ground state. This work reveals the hidden diversity of spin-orbit controlled ground states in 5d systems and introduces a new arena in the search for spin-orbit controlled phases of matter.
doi:10.1103/physrevlett.118.207202 pmid:28581789 fatcat:djistaqrfze33e4huomppxh6ki