A Study on Edge Detection Methods

J Sophia, J Divyainfanta, M Phil
2016 Joseph Arts and Science College   unpublished
Edge is defined as the boundary pixels that connect three separate regions. That is gradient based detection, laplacian based edge detection, marr-hildreth edge detection. Edges characterize boundaries and are therefore a problem of fundamental importance in image processing. Edge detection plays a very important role in image processing. In this Laplacian based edge detector, canny implemented the edge detection problem as a signal processing optimization problem. The solution to this problem
more » ... as a rather complex exponential function. Variation process on gradient based edge detection have included the Roberts, Prewitt and Sobel operators. The two methods namely Laplacian & Gaussian and Zero crossing are more popular and these are based on Gaussian filter and specified filter respectively. In this paper we would compare the edge detection methods whichgive the best solution for image processing.