High-performance gravitationalN-body simulations on a planet-wide-distributed supercomputer

Derek Groen, Simon Portegies Zwart, Tomoaki Ishiyama, Jun Makino
2011 Computational Science & Discovery  
We report on the performance of our cold-dark matter cosmological N-body simulation which was carried out concurrently using supercomputers across the globe. We ran simulations on 60 to 750 cores distributed over a variety of supercomputers in Amsterdam (the Netherlands, Europe), in Tokyo (Japan, Asia), Edinburgh (UK, Europe) and Espoo (Finland, Europe). Regardless the network latency of 0.32 seconds and the communication over 30.000 km of optical network cable we are able to achieve about 87%
more » ... f the performance compared to an equal number of cores on a single supercomputer. We argue that using widely distributed supercomputers in order to acquire more compute power is technically feasible, and that the largest obstacle is introduced by local scheduling and reservation policies.
doi:10.1088/1749-4699/4/1/015001 fatcat:rokcxikd2jf5zm6l6dxkoiumt4