Education and Ethnic-Racial Relations: Altering Encounters between University and Community

Renata Orlandi, Pamela Tais Clein Capelin, Ronaldo Aurélio Gimenes Garcia, Aldo Sena de Oliveira
2018 Open Journal of Social Sciences  
Problematizing issues involving education for ethnic-racial relations has been of great importance in the context of Brazilian education in recent years. In this article, will be presented three actions that resulted from the extension project titled Cine Debate: commented exhibitions of films and documentarie. The objective of this work is to problematize an extension project aimed at provoking debates between university and external community on ethnic-racial relations in the perspective of
more » ... e relations of otherness. This project was developed at the Federal University of the Southern Frontier (UFFS) located in the city of Realeza, in the state of Paraná-Brazil, and included a series of other phenomena related to human rights enforcement/violation. Through these cultural interventions, it was possible to access and contemplate complete film, as well as clippings articulated with other activities, such as: debates open to the outside community, round tables, talk, capoeira and samba talk, musical performances and culinary tasting, provided at different times, making it possible to enhance the dialogue on the proposed themes. The actions took place on the Campus of UFFS, as well as in the house culture of another city. The dissemination of the interventions took place via radio, print and electronic media. The collaborators of the project in partnership with the community, both internal and external to the university, provoked debates with the intention of allowing reflections on plurality and deconstructing the cultural discourses that reveal a super valorization of the white culture. The subjects involved in the activities developed were provoked regarding the opportunity of re-signification of violence and privileges, since they were by various paths and misdemeanors touched by the notion of alterity. These interventions promoted supplementation in the initial training of graduates, as well as the continuing training of teachers and
doi:10.4236/jss.2018.612008 fatcat:zeliyfozgbatzf5zbihzn7awpu