Ulcer of the Stomach

1853 Boston Medical and Surgical Journal  
thod of treating aneurism by compression was adopted. This mode o ften succeeded in producing a radical cure, by closing the artery leading to the aneurismal sac. The practice has been revived with great confidence within the last few years, and the results hitherto have been equal to the expectations of its advocates. In the treatment of hernia in this way, it is of the utmost importance that protrusion should not be allowed to take place at any time ; " for if the hernia once descends during
more » ... he wearing of the trass," as Sir Astley Cooper well remarks, " the cure must be considered as re-commencing from that moment." The truss, therefore, should be woru by night as well as by day. It is important, also, that while the pressure is sufficient to prevent the descent of any of the abdominal contents, it should not be enough to cause any considerable degree of inflammation. This would not only require the truss to be laid aside altogether, but it would also stop entirely the effusion of fibrine. In inguinal hernia the pad should be so placed as to compress the inguinal canal ; and at the same time great care should be taken to avoid pressing the spermatic cord against the pubis. A radical cure will not be effected in this way, unless the compression is continued for a length of time. It cannot be reasonably looked for in an adult in less than two years from the time the truss is first worn ; and
doi:10.1056/nejm185303090480602 fatcat:zpfvoeawizgg5nltsylznj3igi