Drug Abuse And Prostitution Tendency Among Female Undergraduate Students In Three Universities In South-South Nigeria

Julie Ibu, Emmanuel Eru
2018 unpublished
Drug abuse and other deviant behaviours by female undergraduate students can lead to their prostitution tendency. This study was carried out among the total population of 42,905 students comprising of 22,976 males and 20,829 females in three universities. The study was on female students, using a stratified random sampling technique after the method of Ibu 2010.The research instrument used was female students opinion questionnaire (FSOQ) of Ibu 2010, as used by Ibu and Asuquo 2017a and 2017b.
more » ... e research instrument had four parts Likert -type scale measuring 1,2,3,4. Two hypotheses (the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis) were proposed and tested for drug abuse and prostitution tendency among female undergraduate students. Results were analysed using one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with SPSS statistical Package. A post hoc comparison of multiple groups data was carried out using Fisher's test of least significant difference (LSD) multiple comparison analysis. Differences were accepted as significant when P < 0.05. The results showed that drug abuse significantly affects prostitution tendency in female undergraduate students in Nigerian Universities studied.