A Ku-band Low-profile Dual Circularly Polarized Antenna Based On QMSIW

Jingchun Zhai, Wen Wang, Cheng Chang, Yiqing Liu, Luzhen Wang, Zhuopeng Wang
2022 Progress In Electromagnetics Research C  
In this paper, a low-profile dual circularly polarized (CP) antenna for Ku band satellite communication is proposed. A quarter-mode SIW (QMSIW) is designed as a circular polarization unit, which realizes circular polarization by using high-order mode TE 130 , and a pair of units are combined to form the antenna proposed in this paper. Feeding different units can realize left-handed circular polarization and right-handed circular polarization, respectively. The antenna impedance bandwidth is
more » ... ; the circular polarization bandwidth (CPBW) is 540 MHz (15.64 GHz-16.18 GHz); and the gain in the passband is 5.1 dBi, with a minimum axial ratio (AR) of 1 dB. The thickness of the antenna is only 1.5 mm, which has obvious low-profile characteristics.
doi:10.2528/pierc22072204 fatcat:3jgpfuwimre7ji6eda2xedesva