Corrosion behaviour of nitrided ferritic stainless steels for use in solid oxide fuel cell devices

Manuel Bianco, Stephane Poitel, Jong-Eun Hong, Shicai Yang, Zhu-Jun Wang, Marc Willinger, Robert Steinberger-Wilckens, Jan Van herle
2020 Corrosion Science  
Plasma nitriding was applied to ferritic stainless steel substrates to improve their performances as interconnects for solid oxide fuel cell devices. The samples underwent electrical conductivity test and SEM/EDS, TEM/EDS, environmental-SEM analyses. The first stages of corrosion were recorded in-situ with the e-SEM. Nitriding is effective in limiting the undesired chromium evaporation from the steel substrates and accelerates the corrosion kinetics, but its influence of the electrical
more » ... ity is ambiguous. No intergranular corrosion is found in the steel substrate after long time operation. Nitriding helps commercially competitive porous coating to improve chromium retention properties of metal interconnects.
doi:10.1016/j.corsci.2019.108414 fatcat:b3qmlwyg6rcmfjwlhmjn4vccgq