Surface currents from hourly variations of suspended particulate matter from Geostationary Ocean Color Imager data

Kyung-Ae Park, Min-Sun Lee, Ji-Eun Park, David Ullman, Peter C. Cornillon, Young-Je Park
2018 International Journal of Remote Sensing  
Surface currents in Korean coastal regions were obtained using the maximum cross-correlation method applied to hourly suspended particulate matter images from the Geostationary Ocean Color Imager. Preliminary current vectors were filtered out by applying a series of quality-control procedures. The current vectors resulting from the tests were compared with the currents from a numerical model with tide and wind field. It was found that the estimated currents were more similarly to the currents
more » ... used by both tide and wind. A high degree of discrepancy was detected in regions of strong tidal currents, where the fundamental assumption of horizontal movement was limited due to the dominant vertical tidal mixing in the shallow region. The hourly rotations of the current vectors within a day were clarified by a comparison of the time-varying orientation angles of tidal ellipses. This study emphasized how to understand the short-term surface flows from hourly high-resolution geostationary satellite images. ARTICLE HISTORY
doi:10.1080/01431161.2017.1416699 fatcat:vd5nulqybfeyjn5s7rj3hxhjdy