A chromosome-scale assembly of the sorghum genome using nanopore sequencing and optical mapping [article]

Stephane Deschamps, Yun Zhang, Victor Llaca, Liang Ye, Gregory May, Haining Lin
2018 bioRxiv   pre-print
The advent of long-read sequencing technologies has greatly facilitated assemblies of large eukaryotic genomes. In this paper, Oxford Nanopore sequences generated on a MinION sequencer were combined with BioNano Genomics Direct Label and Stain (DLS) optical maps to generate a chromosome-scale de novo assembly of the repeat-rich Sorghum bicolor Tx430 genome. The final hybrid assembly consists of 29 scaffolds, encompassing in most cases entire chromosome arms. It has a scaffold N50 value of
more » ... bps and covers >90% of Sorghum bicolor expected genome length. A sequence accuracy of 99.67% was obtained in unique regions after aligning contigs against Illumina Tx430 data. Alignments showed that 99.4% of the 34,211 public gene models are present in the assembly, including 94.2% mapping end-to-end. Comparisons of the DLS optical maps against the public Sorghum Bicolor v3.0.1 BTx623 genome assembly suggest the presence of substantial genomic rearrangements whose origin remains to be determined.
doi:10.1101/327817 fatcat:fomokg5eqfajxfae3oih2n6qzq